Connector Support | Asian Family Services

Asian Family Services (AFS) have been responding to the health and wellbeing of the Asian community affected by COVID-19 since last year's lockdown. This year they have been funded by the Ministry of Social Development to provide connector support (social work support) service to the Asian community affected by COVID-19. The service is accessible via their Asian Helpline 0800 862 342 Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 8.00 pm in multiple languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English.

The following are other useful services and resources for Asian clients provided by AFS:

  • Asian Helpline 0800862342 Monday to Friday 9am-8pm providing free nationwide counselling support for the Asian community experiencing gambling harm or COVID-19 related mental distress, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Gambling counselling services providing free support for gamblers, family members and other people who are negative affected by someone else’s problem gambling either in the past or at present.
  • ASHA’s counselling and support services providing free support for South Asian community members mpacted by harmful gambling available in Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi and English languages.
  • AFS Wellness Services at Apollo Medical Centre providing free advice and support to Asian clients based on individualised goals, promoting self-management and connection to other services. The AFS health improvement practitioner and health coach are accessible through the Apollo Medical Centre general practice.
  • Asian Wellbeing Services providing Fee for Service Asian psychological interventions and psychoeducation and therapy workshops.
  • AFS information and resources providing cultural and language appropriate information and resources for those interested in mental health and wellbeing, in PDF and multimedia formats.

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Connector Support | Asian Family Services